Source code for simupy.utils.symbolic

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols
from simupy.array import r_, Array

DEFAULT_LAMBDIFY_MODULES = ({'ImmutableMatrix': np.matrix, "atan2": np.arctan2}, "numpy", {"Mod": np.mod, "atan2": np.arctan2})

[docs]def process_vector_args(args): """ A helper function to process vector arguments so callables can take vectors or individual components. Essentially unravels the arguments. """ new_args = [] for arg in args: if hasattr(arg, 'shape') and len(arg.shape) > 0: shape = arg.shape if (min(shape) != 1 and len(shape) == 2) or len(shape) > 2: raise AttributeError("Arguments should only contain vectors") for i in range(max(shape)): if len(shape) == 1: new_args.append(arg[i]) elif shape[0] == 1: new_args.append(arg[0, i]) elif shape[1] == 1: new_args.append(arg[i, 0]) elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): for element in arg: if isinstance(element, (list, tuple)): raise AttributeError("Arguments should not be nested " + "lists/tuples") new_args.append(element) else: # hope it's atomic! new_args.append(arg) return tuple(new_args)
[docs]def lambdify_with_vector_args(args, expr, modules=DEFAULT_LAMBDIFY_MODULES): """ A wrapper around sympy's lambdify where process_vector_args is used so generated callable can take arguments as either vector or individual components Parameters ---------- args : list-like of sympy symbols Input arguments to the expression to call expr : sympy expression Expression to turn into a callable for numeric evaluation modules : list See lambdify documentation; passed directly as modules keyword. """ new_args = process_vector_args(args) if sp.__version__ < '1.1' and hasattr(expr, '__len__'): expr = sp.Matrix(expr) f = sp.lambdify(new_args, expr, modules=modules) def lambda_function_with_vector_args(*func_args): new_func_args = process_vector_args(func_args) return np.array(f(*new_func_args)) lambda_function_with_vector_args.__doc__ = f.__doc__ return lambda_function_with_vector_args
[docs]def grad(f, basis, for_numerical=True): """ Compute the symbolic gradient of a vector-valued function with respect to a basis. Parameters ---------- f : 1D array_like of sympy Expressions The vector-valued function to compute the gradient of. basis : 1D array_like of sympy symbols The basis symbols to compute the gradient with respect to. for_numerical : bool, optional A placeholder for the option of numerically computing the gradient. Returns ------- grad : 2D array_like of sympy Expressions The symbolic gradient. """ if hasattr(f, '__len__'): # as of version 1.1.1, Array isn't supported f = sp.Matrix(f) return f.__class__([ [ sp.diff(f[x], basis[y]) if not for_numerical or not f[x].has(sp.sign(basis[y])) else 0 for y in range(len(basis)) ] for x in range(len(f)) ])
[docs]def augment_input(system, input_=[], update_outputs=True): """ Augment input, useful to construct control-affine systems. Parameters ---------- system : DynamicalSystem The sytsem to augment the input of input_ : array_like of symbols, optional The input to augment. Use to augment only a subset of input components. update_outputs : boolean If true and the system provides full state output, will also add the augmented inputs to the output. """ # accept list, etc of symbols to augment augmented_system = system.copy() if input_ == []: # augment all input_ = system.input augmented_system.state = r_[system.state, input_] augmented_system.input = Array([ dynamicsymbols(str(input_var.func) + 'prime') for input_var in input_ ]) augmented_system.state_equation = r_[ system.state_equation, augmented_system.input] if update_outputs and system.output_equation == system.state: augmented_system.output_equation = augmented_system.state return augmented_system