Source code for simupy.utils

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

[docs]def callable_from_trajectory(t, curves): """ Use scipy.interpolate.make_interp_spline to build cubic b-spline interpolating functions over a set of curves. Parameters ---------- t : 1D array_like Array of m time indices of trajectory curves : 2D array_like Array of m x n vector samples at the time indices. First dimension indexes time, second dimension indexes vector components Returns ------- interpolated_callable : callable Callable which interpolates the given curve/trajectories """ bspline = interpolate.make_interp_spline( y=curves, x=t) return bspline
[docs]def discrete_callable_from_trajectory(t, curves): """ Build a callable that interpolates a discrete-time curve by returning the value of the previous time-step. Parameters ---------- t : 1D array_like Array of m time indices of trajectory curves : 2D array_like Array of m x n vector samples at the time indices. First dimension indexes time, second dimension indexes vector components Returns ------- nearest_neighbor_callable : callable Callable which interpolates the given discrete-time curve/trajectories """ local_time = np.array(t).copy() local_curves = np.array(curves).reshape(local_time.shape[0], -1).copy() def nearest_neighbor_callable(t, *args): return local_curves[ np.argmax((local_time.reshape(1,-1)>=np.array([t]).reshape(-1,1)), axis=1), :] return nearest_neighbor_callable
[docs]def array_callable_from_vector_trajectory(tt, x, unraveled, raveled): """ Convert a trajectory into an interpolating callable that returns a 2D array. The unraveled, raveled pair map how the array is filled in. See riccati_system example. Parameters ---------- tt : 1D array_like Array of m time indices of trajectory xx : 2D array_like Array of m x n vector samples at the time indices. First dimension indexes time, second dimension indexes vector components unraveled : 1D array_like Array of n unique keys matching xx. raveled : 2D array_like Array where the elements are the keys from unraveled. The mapping between unraveled and raveled is used to specify how the output array is filled in. Returns ------- matrix_callable : callable The callable interpolating the trajectory with the specified shape. """ xn, xm = x.shape vector_callable = callable_from_trajectory(tt, x) if hasattr(unraveled, 'shape') and len(unraveled.shape) > 1: unraveled = np.array(unraveled).flatten().tolist() def array_callable(t): vector_result = vector_callable(t) as_array = False if isinstance(t, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and len(t) > 1: array_result = np.zeros((len(t),)+raveled.shape) as_array = True else: array_result = np.zeros(raveled.shape) iterator = np.nditer(raveled, flags=['multi_index', 'refs_ok']) for it in iterator: iterator.multi_index idx = unraveled.index(raveled[iterator.multi_index]) if as_array: array_result.__setitem__( (slice(None), *iterator.multi_index), vector_result[..., idx] ) else: array_result[tuple(iterator.multi_index)] = vector_result[idx] return array_result return array_callable