Source code for

import sympy as sp
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols
from sympy.physics.mechanics.functions import find_dynamicsymbols
from simupy.utils.symbolic import lambdify_with_vector_args, grad
from simupy.array import Array, empty_array

from import DynamicalSystem as DynamicalSystemBase

DEFAULT_CODE_GENERATOR = lambdify_with_vector_args
    'modules': "numpy"

[docs]class DynamicalSystem(DynamicalSystemBase): def __init__(self, state_equation=None, state=None, input_=None, output_equation=None, constants_values={}, dt=0, initial_condition=None, code_generator=None, code_generator_args={}): """ DynamicalSystem constructor, used to create systems from symbolic expressions. Parameters ---------- state_equation : array_like of sympy Expressions, optional Vector valued expression for the derivative of the state. state : array_like of sympy symbols, optional Vector of symbols representing the components of the state, in the desired order, matching state_equation. input_ : array_like of sympy symbols, optional Vector of symbols representing the components of the input, in the desired order. state_equation may depend on the system input. If the system has no state, the output_equation may depend on the system input. output_equation : array_like of sympy Expressions Vector valued expression for the output of the system. constants_values : dict Dictionary of constants substitutions. dt : float Sampling rate of system. Use 0 for continuous time systems. initial_condition : array_like of numerical values, optional Array or Matrix used as the initial condition of the system. Defaults to zeros of the same dimension as the state. code_generator : callable, optional Function to be used as code generator. code_generator_args : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword args to pass to the code generator. By default, the code generator uses a wrapper for ``sympy.lambdify``. You can change it by passing the system initialization arguments ``code_generator`` (the function) and additional keyword arguments to the generator in a dictionary ``code_generator_args``. You can change the defaults for future systems by changing the module values. See the readme or docs for an example. """ self.constants_values = constants_values self.state = state self.input = input_ self.code_generator = code_generator or DEFAULT_CODE_GENERATOR code_gen_args_to_set = DEFAULT_CODE_GENERATOR_ARGS.copy() code_gen_args_to_set.update(code_generator_args) self.code_generator_args = code_gen_args_to_set self.state_equation = state_equation self.output_equation = output_equation self.initial_condition = initial_condition self.dt = dt self.validate() @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, state): if state is None: # or other checks? state = empty_array() if isinstance(state, sp.Expr): state = Array([state]) self.dim_state = len(state) self._state = state @property def input(self): return self._inputs @input.setter def input(self, input_): if input_ is None: # or other checks? input_ = empty_array() if isinstance(input_, sp.Expr): # check it's a single dynamicsymbol? input_ = Array([input_]) self.dim_input = len(input_) self._inputs = input_ @property def state_equation(self): return self._state_equation @state_equation.setter def state_equation(self, state_equation): if state_equation is None: # or other checks? state_equation = empty_array() else: assert len(state_equation) == len(self.state) assert find_dynamicsymbols(state_equation) <= ( set(self.state) | set(self.input) ) assert state_equation.atoms(sp.Symbol) <= ( set(self.constants_values.keys()) | set([dynamicsymbols._t]) ) self._state_equation = state_equation self.update_state_equation_function() self.state_jacobian_equation = grad(self.state_equation, self.state) self.update_state_jacobian_function() self.input_jacobian_equation = grad(self.state_equation, self.input) self.update_input_jacobian_function() @property def output_equation(self): return self._output_equation @output_equation.setter def output_equation(self, output_equation): if isinstance(output_equation, sp.Expr): output_equation = Array([output_equation]) if output_equation is None and self.dim_state == 0: output_equation = empty_array() else: if output_equation is None: output_equation = self.state assert output_equation.atoms(sp.Symbol) <= ( set(self.constants_values.keys()) | set([dynamicsymbols._t]) ) if self.dim_state: assert find_dynamicsymbols(output_equation) <= set(self.state) else: assert find_dynamicsymbols(output_equation) <= set(self.input) self.dim_output = len(output_equation) self._output_equation = output_equation self.update_output_equation_function()
[docs] def update_state_equation_function(self): if not self.dim_state or self.state_equation == empty_array(): return self.state_equation_function = self.code_generator( [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.state) + sp.flatten(self.input), self.state_equation.subs(self.constants_values), **self.code_generator_args )
[docs] def update_state_jacobian_function(self): if not self.dim_state or self.state_equation == empty_array(): return self.state_jacobian_equation_function = self.code_generator( [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.state) + sp.flatten(self.input), self.state_jacobian_equation.subs(self.constants_values), **self.code_generator_args )
[docs] def update_input_jacobian_function(self): # TODO: state-less systems should have an input/output jacobian if not self.dim_state or self.state_equation == empty_array(): return self.input_jacobian_equation_function = self.code_generator( [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.state) + sp.flatten(self.input), self.input_jacobian_equation.subs(self.constants_values), **self.code_generator_args )
[docs] def update_output_equation_function(self): if not self.dim_output or self.output_equation == empty_array(): return if self.dim_state: self.output_equation_function = self.code_generator( [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.state), self.output_equation.subs(self.constants_values), **self.code_generator_args ) else: self.output_equation_function = self.code_generator( [dynamicsymbols._t] + sp.flatten(self.input), self.output_equation.subs(self.constants_values), **self.code_generator_args )
[docs] def prepare_to_integrate(self): pass
[docs] def copy(self): copy = self.__class__( state_equation=self.state_equation, state=self.state, input_=self.input, output_equation=self.output_equation, constants_values=self.constants_values, dt=self.dt ) copy.output_equation_function = self.output_equation_function copy.state_equation_function = self.state_equation_function return copy
[docs] def equilibrium_points(self, input_=None): return sp.solve(self.state_equation, self.state, dict=True)
[docs]class MemorylessSystem(DynamicalSystem): """ A system with no state. With no input, can represent a signal (function of time only). For example, a stochastic signal could interpolate points and use prepare_to_integrate to re-seed the data. """ def __init__(self, input_=None, output_equation=None, **kwargs): """ DynamicalSystem constructor Parameters ---------- input_ : array_like of sympy symbols Vector of symbols representing the components of the input, in the desired order. The output may depend on the system input. output_equation : array_like of sympy Expressions Vector valued expression for the output of the system. """ super().__init__( input_=input_, output_equation=output_equation, **kwargs) @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, state): if state is None: # or other checks? state = empty_array() else: raise ValueError("Memoryless system should not have state or " + "state_equation") self.dim_state = len(state) self._state = state