Source code for simupy.matrices

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols
from import DynamicalSystem

[docs]def construct_explicit_matrix(name, n, m, symmetric=False, diagonal=0, dynamic=False, **kwass): """ construct a matrix of symbolic elements Parameters ---------- name : string Base name for variables; each variable is name_ij, which admitedly only works clearly for n,m < 10 n : int Number of rows m : int Number of columns symmetric : bool, optional Use to enforce a symmetric matrix (repeat symbols above/below diagonal) diagonal : bool, optional Zeros out off diagonals. Takes precedence over symmetry. dynamic : bool, optional Whether to use sympy.physics.mechanics dynamicsymbol. If False, use sp.symbols kwargs : dict remaining kwargs passed to symbol function Returns ------- matrix : sympy Matrix The Matrix containing explicit symbolic elements """ if dynamic: symbol_func = dynamicsymbols else: symbol_func = sp.symbols if n != m and (diagonal or symmetric): raise ValueError("Cannot make symmetric or diagonal if n != m") if diagonal: return sp.diag( *[symbol_func( name+'_{}{}'.format(i+1, i+1), **kwass) for i in range(m)]) else: matrix = sp.Matrix([ [symbol_func(name+'_{}{}'.format(j+1, i+1), **kwass) for i in range(m)] for j in range(n) ]) if symmetric: for i in range(1, m): for j in range(i): matrix[i, j] = matrix[j, i] return matrix
[docs]def matrix_subs(*subs): """ Generate an object that can be passed into sp.subs from matrices, replacing each element in from_matrix with the corresponding element from to_matrix There are three ways to use this function, depending on the input: 1. A single matrix-level subsitution - from_matrix, to_matrix 2. A list or tuple of (from_matrix, to_matrix) 2-tuples 3. A dictionary of {from_matrix: to_matrix} key-value pairs """ # I guess checking symmetry would be better, this will do for now. if len(subs) == 2 and not isinstance(subs[0], (list, tuple, dict)): subs = [subs] if isinstance(subs, (list, tuple)): return tuple( (sub[0][i, j], sub[1][i, j]) for sub in subs for i in range(sub[0].shape[0]) for j in range(sub[0].shape[1]) if sub[0][i, j] != 0 ) elif isinstance(subs, dict): return { sub[0][i, j]: sub[1][i, j] for sub in subs.items() for i in range(sub[0].shape[0]) for j in range(sub[0].shape[1]) if sub[0][i, j] != 0 }
[docs]def block_matrix(blocks): """ Construct a matrix where the elements are specified by the block structure by joining the blocks appropriately. Parameters ---------- blocks : two level deep iterable of sympy Matrix objects The block specification of the matrices used to construct the block matrix. Returns ------- matrix : sympy Matrix A matrix whose elements are the elements of the blocks with the specified block structure. """ return sp.Matrix.col_join( *tuple( sp.Matrix.row_join( *tuple(mat for mat in row)) for row in blocks ) )
[docs]def system_from_matrix_DE(mat_DE, mat_var, mat_input=None, constants={}): """ Construct a symbolic DynamicalSystem using matrices. See riccati_system example. Parameters ---------- mat_DE : sympy Matrix The matrix derivative expression (right hand side) mat_var : sympy Matrix The matrix state mat_input : list-like of input expressions, optional A list-like of input expressions in the matrix differential equation constants : dict, optional Dictionary of constants substitutions. Returns ------- sys : DynamicalSystem A DynamicalSystem which can be used to numerically solve the matrix differential equation. """ vec_var = list(set(sp.flatten(mat_var.tolist()))) vec_DE = sp.Matrix.zeros(len(vec_var), 1) iterator = np.nditer(mat_DE, flags=['multi_index', 'refs_ok']) for it in iterator: i, j = iterator.multi_index idx = vec_var.index(mat_var[i, j]) vec_DE[idx] = mat_DE[i, j] sys = DynamicalSystem(vec_DE, sp.Matrix(vec_var), mat_input, constants_values=constants) return sys