Source code for simupy.block_diagram

from scipy.integrate import ode
import numpy as np
import warnings
import sys as syslib
from simupy.utils import callable_from_trajectory
from scipy.optimize import brentq

        'name': 'dopri5',
        'rtol': 1e-6,
        'atol': 1e-12,
        'nsteps': 500,
        'max_step': 0.0

        'xtol': 2e-12,
        'rtol': 8.8817841970012523e-16,
        'maxiter': 100

nan_warning_message = ("BlockDiagram encountered NaN outputs and quit during" +
                       " {}. This may have been intentional! NaN outputs at " +
                       "time t={}, state x={}, output y={}")

[docs]class SimulationResult(object): """ A simple class to collect simulation result trajectories. Attributes ---------- t : array of times x : array of states y : array of outputs e : array of events """ max_allocation = 2**7 def __init__(self, dim_states, dim_outputs, tspan, n_sys, initial_size=0): if initial_size == 0: initial_size = tspan.size self.t = np.empty(initial_size) self.x = np.empty((initial_size, dim_states)) self.y = np.empty((initial_size, dim_outputs)) self.e = np.empty((initial_size, n_sys)) self.res_idx = 0 self.tspan = tspan self.t0 = tspan[0] self.tF = tspan[-1]
[docs] def allocate_space(self, t): more_rows = int((self.tF-t)*self.t.size/(t-self.t0))+1 more_rows = max(min(more_rows, self.max_allocation),1) self.t = np.r_[self.t, np.empty(more_rows)] self.x = np.r_[self.x, np.empty((more_rows, self.x.shape[1]))] self.y = np.r_[self.y, np.empty((more_rows, self.y.shape[1]))] self.e = np.r_[self.e, np.empty((more_rows, self.e.shape[1]))]
[docs] def new_result(self, t, x, y, e=None): if self.res_idx >= self.t.size: self.allocate_space(t) self.t[self.res_idx] = t self.x[self.res_idx, :] = x self.y[self.res_idx, :] = y if e is not None: self.e[self.res_idx, :] = e else: self.e[self.res_idx, :] = np.zeros(self.e.shape[1]) self.res_idx += 1
[docs] def last_result(self, n=1, copy=False): n = np.clip(n, 1, self.res_idx) if copy: return (np.copy(self.t[self.res_idx-n]), np.copy(self.x[self.res_idx-n, :]), np.copy(self.y[self.res_idx-n, :])) else: return (self.t[self.res_idx-n], self.x[self.res_idx-n, :], self.y[self.res_idx-n, :])
[docs]class BlockDiagram(object): """ A block diagram of dynamical systems with their connections which can be numerically simulated. """ def __init__(self, *systems): """ Initialize a BlockDiagram, with an optional list of systems to start the diagram. """ = np.array([], dtype=object) self.connections = np.array([], dtype=np.bool_).reshape((0, 0)) self.dts = np.array([], dtype=np.float_) = np.array([], dtype=np.bool_) self.cum_inputs = np.array([0], dtype=np.int_) self.cum_outputs = np.array([0], dtype=np.int_) self.cum_states = np.array([0], dtype=np.int_) self.cum_events = np.array([0], dtype=np.int_) self.inputs = np.array([], dtype=np.bool_).reshape((0,0)) self.dim_input = 0 for sys in systems: self.add_system(sys) @property def initial_condition(self): x0 = np.zeros(self.cum_states[-1]) # TODO: pre-allocate? for sysidx in np.where([0]: sys =[sysidx] state_start = self.cum_states[sysidx] state_end = self.cum_states[sysidx+1] x0[state_start:state_end] = sys.initial_condition return x0 @property def dim_state(self): return self.cum_states[-1] @property def dim_output(self): # TODO: allow internal outputs to be "closed"? For now, no return self.cum_outputs[-1] @property def dt(self): return self.dts.min()
[docs] def prepare_to_integrate(self): for sys in sys.prepare_to_integrate() if np.sum( > 0: self.event_equation_function = self.event_equation_function_implementation self.update_equation_function = self.update_equation_function_implementation else: self.event_equation_function = None self.update_equation_function = None
[docs] def create_input(self, to_system_input, channels=[], inputs=[]): """ Create or use input channels to use block diagram as a subsystem. Parameters ---------- channels : list-like Selector index of the input channels to connect. to_system_input : dynamical system The system (already added to BlockDiagram) to which inputs will be connected. Note that any previous input connections will be over-written. inputs : list-like, optional Selector index of the inputs to connect. If not specified or of length 0, will connect all of the inputs. """ channels = np.asarray(channels) if len(channels) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot create input without specifying channel") if np.min(channels) < 0: raise ValueError("Cannot create input channel < 0") if len(inputs) == 0: inputs = np.arange(to_system_input.dim_input) else: inputs = np.asarray(inputs) inputs = inputs + self.cum_inputs[ np.where( == to_system_input) ] if len(channels) != len(inputs) and len(channels) != 1: raise ValueError("Cannot broadcast channels to inputs") if np.max(channels) > self.dim_input-1: self.inputs = np.pad(self.inputs, ((0, np.max(channels) - self.dim_input+1), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values = 0) self.dim_input = np.max(channels)+1 self.inputs[:, inputs] = False self.connections[:, inputs] = False self.inputs[channels, inputs] = True
[docs] def connect(self, from_system_output, to_system_input, outputs=[], inputs=[]): """ Connect systems in the block diagram. Parameters ---------- from_system_output : dynamical system The system (already added to BlockDiagram) from which outputs will be connected. Note that the outputs of a system can be connected to multiple inputs. to_system_input : dynamical system The system (already added to BlockDiagram) to which inputs will be connected. Note that any previous input connections will be over-written. outputs : list-like, optional Selector index of the outputs to connect. If not specified or of length 0, will connect all of the outputs. inputs : list-like, optional Selector index of the inputs to connect. If not specified or of length 0, will connect all of the inputs. """ if len(outputs) == 0: outputs = np.arange(from_system_output.dim_output) else: outputs = np.asarray(outputs) outputs = outputs + self.cum_outputs[ np.where( == from_system_output) ] if len(inputs) == 0: inputs = np.arange(to_system_input.dim_input) else: inputs = np.asarray(inputs) inputs = inputs + self.cum_inputs[ np.where( == to_system_input) ] # TODO: Check that this can be broadcast correctly self.inputs[:, inputs] = False self.connections[:, inputs] = False self.connections[outputs, inputs] = True
[docs] def add_system(self, system): """ Add a system to the block diagram Parameters ---------- system : dynamical system System to add to BlockDiagram """ = np.append(, system) self.cum_states = np.append(self.cum_states, self.cum_states[-1] + system.dim_state) self.cum_inputs = np.append(self.cum_inputs, self.cum_inputs[-1] + system.dim_input) self.cum_outputs = np.append(self.cum_outputs, self.cum_outputs[-1] + system.dim_output) = np.append(, np.bool_( getattr(system, 'event_equation_function', None) and getattr(system, 'update_equation_function', None))) self.cum_events = np.append(self.cum_events, self.cum_events[-1] +[-1]) self.dts = np.append(self.dts, getattr(system, 'dt', 0)) self.connections = np.pad(self.connections, ((0, system.dim_output), (0, system.dim_input)), 'constant', constant_values=0) self.inputs = np.pad(self.inputs, ((0, 0), (0, system.dim_input)), 'constant', constant_values=0)
[docs] def output_equation_function(self, t, state, input_=None, update_memoryless_event=False): output = np.zeros(self.cum_outputs[-1]) input_ = input_ if input_ is not None else np.zeros(self.dim_input) # compute outputs for full systems, y[t_k]=h(t_k,x[t_k]) for sysidx in np.where((np.diff(self.cum_states) > 0))[0]: sys =[sysidx] output_start = self.cum_outputs[sysidx] output_end = self.cum_outputs[sysidx+1] state_start = self.cum_states[sysidx] state_end = self.cum_states[sysidx+1] state_values = state[state_start:state_end] output[output_start:output_end] = \ sys.output_equation_function(t, state_values).reshape(-1) # compute outputs for memoryless systems, y[t_k]=h(t_k,u[t_k]) for sysidx in np.where((np.diff(self.cum_states) == 0))[0][::-1]: sys =[sysidx] output_start = self.cum_outputs[sysidx] output_end = self.cum_outputs[sysidx+1] input_start = self.cum_inputs[sysidx] input_end = self.cum_inputs[sysidx+1] input_values = np.zeros(sys.dim_input) input_index, output_index = np.where( self.connections[:, input_start:input_end].T ) input_values[input_index] = output[output_index] input_index, as_sys_input_index = np.where( self.inputs[:, input_start:input_end].T ) if as_sys_input_index.size: input_values[input_index] = input_[as_sys_input_index] if sys.dim_input: if[sysidx] and update_memoryless_event: sys.update_equation_function(t, input_values) output[output_start:output_end] = \ sys.output_equation_function(t, input_values).reshape(-1) else: if[sysidx] and update_memoryless_event: sys.update_equation_function(t) output[output_start:output_end] = \ sys.output_equation_function(t).reshape(-1) return output
[docs] def state_equation_function(self, t, state, input_=None, output=None): # TODO: how to define available inputs?? dxdt = np.zeros(self.cum_states[-1]) output = output if output is not None else self.output_equation_function(t, state, input_) for sysidx in np.where((np.diff(self.cum_states) > 0))[0]: sys =[sysidx] state_start = self.cum_states[sysidx] state_end = self.cum_states[sysidx+1] state_values = state[state_start:state_end] input_start = self.cum_inputs[sysidx] input_end = self.cum_inputs[sysidx+1] input_values = np.zeros(sys.dim_input) input_index, output_index = np.where( self.connections[:, input_start:input_end].T ) input_values[input_index] = output[output_index] input_index, as_sys_input_index = np.where( self.inputs[:, input_start:input_end].T ) if as_sys_input_index.size: input_values[input_index] = input_[as_sys_input_index] if sys.dim_input: dxdt[state_start:state_end] = \ sys.state_equation_function( t, state_values, input_values ).reshape(-1) else: dxdt[state_start:state_end] = \ sys.state_equation_function(t, state_values).reshape(-1) return dxdt
[docs] def systems_event_equation_functions(self, t, state, output): events = np.zeros( # compute events for stateful systems for sysidx in np.where( (np.diff(self.cum_states) > 0) & )[0]: sys =[sysidx] state_start = self.cum_states[sysidx] state_end = self.cum_states[sysidx+1] state_values = state[state_start:state_end] events[sysidx] = sys.event_equation_function( t, state_values).reshape(-1) # compute events for memoryless systems for sysidx in np.where( (np.diff(self.cum_states) == 0) & )[0]: sys =[sysidx] input_start = self.cum_inputs[sysidx] input_end = self.cum_inputs[sysidx+1] input_values = np.zeros(sys.dim_input) input_index, output_index = np.where( self.connections[:, input_start:input_end].T ) input_values[input_index] = output[output_index] if sys.dim_input: events[sysidx] = sys.event_equation_function( t, input_values).reshape(-1) else: events[sysidx] = sys.event_equation_function( t).reshape(-1) return events
[docs] def event_equation_function_implementation(self, t, state, output=None): output = output or self.output_equation_function(t,state) return self.systems_event_equation_functions(t, state, output))
[docs] def update_equation_function_implementation(self, t, state, input_=None, output=None): next_state = state.copy() output = output or self.output_equation_function(t,state) input_ = input_ or np.zeros(self.dim_input) # find which one(s) crossed # call that/those systems's update_equation_function & fill in next_state return next_state
[docs] def computation_step(self, t, state, output=None, selector=True, do_events=False): """ callable to compute system outputs and state derivatives """ # TODO: make sure this still works # TODO: p sure I just had output_equation_function here # I guess the outputs_in wasn't really necessary? output = output if output is not None else \ self.output_equation_function(t, state) # compute state equation for full systems, # x[t_k']=f(t_k,x[t_k],u[t_k]) dxdt = self.state_equation_function(t, state, output=output) if do_events: events = self.systems_event_equation_functions(t, state, output) return dxdt, output, events return dxdt, output
[docs] def simulate(self, tspan, integrator_class=DEFAULT_INTEGRATOR_CLASS, integrator_options=DEFAULT_INTEGRATOR_OPTIONS, event_finder=DEFAULT_EVENT_FINDER, event_find_options=DEFAULT_EVENT_FIND_OPTIONS): """ Simulate the block diagram Parameters ---------- tspan : list-like or float Argument to specify integration time-steps. If a single time is specified, it is treated as the final time. If two times are specified, they are treated as initial and final times. In either of these conditions, it is assumed that that every time step from a variable time-step integrator will be stored in the result. If more than two times are specified, these are the only times where the trajectories will be stored. integrator_class : class, optional Class of integrator to use. Defaults to ``scipy.integrate.ode``. Must provide the following subset of the ``scipy.integrate.ode`` API: - ``__init__(derivative_callable(time, state))`` - ``set_integrator(**kwargs)`` - ``set_initial_value(state, time)`` - ``set_solout(successful_step_callable(time, state))`` - ``integrate(time)`` - ``successful()`` - ``y``, ``t`` properties integrator_options : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to ``integrator_class.set_integrator``. event_finder : callable, optional Interval root-finder function. Defaults to ``scipy.optimize.brentq``, and must take the equivalent positional arguments, ``f``, ``a``, and ``b``, and return ``x0``, where ``a <= x0 <= b`` and ``f(x0)`` is the zero. event_find_options : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to ``event_finder``. It must provide a key ``'xtol'``, and it is expected that the exact zero lies within ``x0 +/- xtol/2``, as ``brentq`` provides. """ dense_output = True if np.isscalar(tspan): t0 = 0 tF = tspan elif len(tspan) == 2: t0 = tspan[0] tF = tspan[1] else: dense_output = False t0 = tspan[0] tF = tspan[-1] if dense_output: tspan = np.array([t0, tF]) else: tspan = np.array(tspan) """ tspan is used to indicate which times must be computed these are end-points for continuous time simulations, meshed data points for continuous. """ if ('max_step' in integrator_options) and \ (integrator_options['max_step'] == 0.0): integrator_options = integrator_options.copy() # TODO: find the harmonic to ensure no skipped steps? if np.any(self.dts!=0.0): integrator_options['max_step'] = np.min(self.dts[self.dts!=0.0])/2 # generate tresult arrays; initialize x0 results = SimulationResult(self.cum_states[-1], self.cum_outputs[-1], tspan, def continuous_time_integration_step(t, state, for_integrator=True): """ function to manipulate stored states and integrator state to pass to between computation_step and integrator """ comp_result = self.computation_step( t, state.reshape(-1), selector=True, do_events=~for_integrator) if not for_integrator: return (state,) + comp_result[1:] return comp_result[0] # store the results from each continuous integration step def collect_integrator_results(t, state): dxdt, output, events = \ continuous_time_integration_step(t, state, for_integrator=False) test_sel = results.res_idx - np.arange(3)-1 if (t in results.t[test_sel] and state in results.x[test_sel, :] and output in results.y[test_sel, :]): return # check for events here -- before saving, because it is potentially # invalid prev_events = results.e[results.res_idx-1, :] if (np.any(np.sign(prev_events) != np.sign(events)) & (results.t[results.res_idx-1] > 0)): return -1 else: results.new_result(t, state, output, events) if np.any(np.isnan(output)): warnings.warn(nan_warning_message.format( "variable step-size collection", t, state, output )) return -1 for sys in sys.prepare_to_integrate() x0 = self.initial_condition # initial condition computation, populate initial condition in results # # Initial event computation # # compute first output for stateful systems y0 = self.output_equation_function(t0, x0, update_memoryless_event=True) dx_dt_0, y0, e0 = self.computation_step( # TODO: this is where logic for events needs to happen t0, x0, y0, selector=True, do_events=True) # initial_computation[0] is saved for the next round of selected DTs results.new_result(t0, x0, y0, e0) prev_event_t = t0 # setup the integrator r = integrator_class(continuous_time_integration_step) r.set_integrator(**integrator_options) r.set_initial_value(x0, t0) if dense_output: r.set_solout(collect_integrator_results) # main simulation loop t_idx = 0 next_t = tspan[1] # TODO: fix extra points being added to results while True: if np.any(np.isnan(results.y[:results.res_idx, :])): warnings.warn(nan_warning_message.format( "tspan iteration (after event or meshed time-step)", tspan[t_idx-1], results.x[results.res_idx-1, :], results.y[results.res_idx-1, :] )) break # loop to integrate until next_t, while handling events try: r.integrate(next_t) except KeyboardInterrupt as kbi: break """ possible branches: 1. if dense: a. event occured, process it b. integration completed (to next_t), so exit c. some other error, abort 2. if meshed: a. event occured, process it b. mesh point achieved, no event i. if next_t == tF, exit ii. otherwise, do the next one. c. some other error, abort 1b, 2b, require adding the final point to the system (maybe not 1b) 1a and 2a are the same, except if not dense, maybe don't save the point?? mesh should have fixed output datasize or, just don't allow meshed datapoints?? 1c and 2c are the same TODO: decide what to do about meshed data points, stiff solvers TODO: figure out how to run tests that don't involve those solvers """ if dense_output: latest_t, latest_states, latest_outputs = \ results.last_result() if r.t == next_t or np.any(np.isnan(latest_outputs)): break check_states, check_outputs, check_events = \ continuous_time_integration_step(r.t, r.y, False) if np.any(np.isnan(check_outputs)): warnings.warn(nan_warning_message.format( "tspan iteration after continuous integration", r.t, check_states, check_outputs )) break if (not dense_output and np.all( np.sign(results.e[results.res_idx-1, :]) == np.sign(check_events) )): latest_states, latest_outputs, = \ check_states, check_outputs break if not r.successful(): warnings.warn("Integrator quit unsuccessfully.") break # # need to handle event # # results index from previous event crossing prev_event_idx = np.where( results.t[:results.res_idx, None] == prev_event_t )[0][-1] prev_event_idx = max( min(prev_event_idx, results.res_idx-3), 0 ) # find which system(s) crossed event_cross_check = ( np.sign(results.e[results.res_idx-1, :]) != np.sign(check_events) ) event_index_crossed = np.where(event_cross_check)[0] # interpolate to find first t crossing # holds t's where event occured event_ts = np.zeros( # holds callable for root finding event_searchables = np.empty(, dtype=object) event_callables = np.empty(, dtype=object) ts_to_collect = np.r_[ results.t[prev_event_idx:results.res_idx], ] unique_ts_to_collect, unique_ts_to_collect_idx = \ np.unique(ts_to_collect, return_index=True) # # use vars check_states, check_outputs, check_events, r.t, (r.y?) # in interpolatant PRE_CROSS_MINIMUM = 3 # interpolant requires 4, I think, so 3 before the crossing crossed_size = max( PRE_CROSS_MINIMUM - unique_ts_to_collect.size, 0 ) + 1 crossed_times = np.zeros(crossed_size) crossed_states = np.zeros((crossed_size, self.cum_states[-1])) crossed_outputs = np.zeros((crossed_size, self.cum_outputs[-1])) crossed_events = np.zeros((crossed_size, # use array allow in scope of result collector; not sure if needed crossed_idx = [0] def collect_integrator_results_events(t, state): dxdt, output, events = \ continuous_time_integration_step(t, state, for_integrator=False) test_sel = results.res_idx - np.arange(3)-1 if ((t in results.t[test_sel] and state in results.x[test_sel, :] and output in results.y[test_sel, :]) or (t in crossed_times and state in crossed_states and output in crossed_outputs)): return crossed_times[crossed_idx[0]] = t crossed_states[crossed_idx[0],:] = state crossed_outputs[crossed_idx[0],:] = output crossed_events[crossed_idx[0],:] = events crossed_idx[0] += 1 if (crossed_idx[0] >= crossed_size): return -1 r.set_initial_value(r.y, r.t) r.set_solout(collect_integrator_results_events) r.integrate(next_t) if dense_output: r.set_solout(collect_integrator_results) else: r.set_solout(lambda *args: None) ts_for_interpolant = np.r_[unique_ts_to_collect, crossed_times] state_values = results.x[ prev_event_idx:results.res_idx, ] state_values = np.r_[ state_values[unique_ts_to_collect_idx, :], crossed_states ] state_traj_callable = callable_from_trajectory( ts_for_interpolant, state_values ) output_values = results.y[prev_event_idx:results.res_idx] output_values = np.r_[ output_values[unique_ts_to_collect_idx, :], crossed_outputs ] output_traj_callable = callable_from_trajectory( ts_for_interpolant, output_values ) for sysidx in event_index_crossed: sys =[sysidx] state_start = self.cum_states[sysidx] state_end = self.cum_states[sysidx+1] input_start = self.cum_inputs[sysidx] input_end = self.cum_inputs[sysidx+1] if sys.dim_state: event_searchables[sysidx] = \ lambda t: sys.event_equation_function( t, state_traj_callable(t)[..., state_start:state_end] ) else: event_searchables[sysidx] = \ lambda t: sys.event_equation_function( t, output_traj_callable(t)[..., np.where( self.connections[ :, input_start:input_end ].T )[1] ] ) if[ event_searchables[sysidx](results.t[prev_event_idx]), event_searchables[sysidx](r.t)])) not in [0,-1]: e_checks = np.r_[ results.e[ prev_event_idx:results.res_idx, sysidx ], check_events[sysidx] ] left_bracket_idx = np.where( np.sign(e_checks[:-1]) != np.sign(e_checks[-1]) )[0][-1] left_bracket = ts_to_collect[left_bracket_idx] else: left_bracket = results.t[prev_event_idx] event_ts[sysidx] = event_finder( event_searchables[sysidx], left_bracket + np.finfo(np.float_).eps, r.t, **event_find_options ) next_event_t = np.min(event_ts[event_index_crossed]) left_t = next_event_t-event_find_options['xtol']/2 left_x = state_traj_callable(left_t) new_states, new_outputs, new_events = \ continuous_time_integration_step( left_t, left_x, False) results.new_result( left_t, new_states, new_outputs, new_events) right_t = next_event_t+event_find_options['xtol']/2 right_x = state_traj_callable(right_t).reshape(-1) right_y = output_traj_callable(right_t).reshape(-1) # need to update the output for any stateful, probably do full pattern (i.e., output of system with state and event, output of system (with event only?), etc. Or just leave like this ssince it works??) from continuous_time_integration_step (for_integrator = False) # TODO: when cleaning up the integration loops, clean the event update too! update_equation_function_indexes = np.where( event_cross_check & (event_ts == next_event_t) )[0] for sysidx in update_equation_function_indexes: sys =[sysidx] output_start = self.cum_outputs[sysidx] output_end = self.cum_outputs[sysidx+1] input_start = self.cum_inputs[sysidx] input_end = self.cum_inputs[sysidx+1] input_values = right_y[np.where( self.connections[:, input_start:input_end].T )[1]] state_start = self.cum_states[sysidx] state_end = self.cum_states[sysidx+1] state_values = right_x[state_start:state_end] if sys.dim_state and sys.dim_input: update_return_value = sys.update_equation_function( right_t, state_values, input_values ) elif sys.dim_state: update_return_value = sys.update_equation_function( right_t, state_values ) elif sys.dim_input: update_return_value = sys.update_equation_function( right_t, input_values) else: update_return_value = sys.update_equation_function( right_t) if sys.dim_state: right_x[state_start:state_end] = \ update_return_value.reshape(-1) right_y[output_start:output_end] = \ sys.output_equation_function(right_t, update_return_value).squeeze() elif sys.dim_input: right_y[output_start:output_end] = \ sys.output_equation_function(right_t, input_values).squeeze() else: right_y[output_start:output_end] = \ sys.output_equation_function(right_t).squeeze() new_states, new_outputs, new_events = \ continuous_time_integration_step( right_t, right_x, False) results.new_result( right_t, new_states, new_outputs, new_events) # set x (r.y), store in result as t+epsilon? if not dense, # add extra 1=-0 r.set_initial_value(right_x, right_t) prev_event_t = right_t # TODO: THIS IS WHERE PREVIOUS EVENT HANDLING LOOP ENDED results.t = results.t[:results.res_idx] results.x = results.x[:results.res_idx, :] results.y = results.y[:results.res_idx, :] results.e = results.e[:results.res_idx, :] return results